Quotes About Being Done With Life

Quotes About Being Done With Life

Here are the top 99 quotes about being done with life:

1. “I’m done with everything. Everything is done with me.” – Unknown

2. “I don’t want to live anymore. I just want to disappear.” – Unknown

3. “Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing at all.” – Unknown

4. “I’m so done with this life. I just want to leave it all behind.” – Unknown

5. “The worst part about being done with life is that you still have to go through the motions.” – Unknown

6. “I’m tired of pretending that everything is okay.” – Unknown

7. “I’m done with trying to fit in. I’m just going to be myself.” – Unknown

8. “I’m done with giving my all to people who don’t appreciate it.” – Unknown

9. “I’m done with trying to please everyone. It’s impossible.” – Unknown

10. “I’m done with trying to be happy. It’s just not in the cards for me.” – Unknown

11. “I don’t want to go on anymore. I just want it all to end.” – Unknown

12. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not good enough.” – Unknown

13. “I’m done with pretending that I’m okay when I’m not.” – Unknown

14. “I’m done with trying to be someone I’m not.” – Unknown

15. “I’m done with people who only want to be in my life when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

16. “I’m done with feeling like I’m constantly failing.” – Unknown

17. “I’m done with trying to make things work that just aren’t meant to be.” – Unknown

18. “I’m done with people who only bring negativity into my life.” – Unknown

19. “I’m done with feeling like I’m alone in this world.” – Unknown

20. “I’m done with trying to be strong when I’m not.” – Unknown

21. “I’m done with feeling like a burden to everyone.” – Unknown

22. “I’m done with pretending that I don’t care when I do.” – Unknown

23. “I’m done with feeling like I’m stuck in this life.” – Unknown

24. “I’m done with trying to find happiness in all the wrong places.” – Unknown

25. “I’m done with trying to be perfect. It’s exhausting.” – Unknown

26. “I’m done with trying to change things that are out of my control.” – Unknown

27. “I’m done with being disappointed by people who I thought cared about me.” – Unknown

28. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough.” – Unknown

29. “I’m done with trying to please everyone else and forgetting about myself.” – Unknown

30. “I’m done with feeling like I’m constantly walking on eggshells.” – Unknown

31. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when I’m happy.” – Unknown

32. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of love.” – Unknown

33. “I’m done with trying to make everyone else happy and forgetting about my own happiness.” – Unknown

34. “I’m done with people who only want to use me for their own gain.” – Unknown

35. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not valued.” – Unknown

36. “I’m done with trying to be someone I’m not just to fit in.” – Unknown

37. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for anyone.” – Unknown

38. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when they need something.” – Unknown

39. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not important.” – Unknown

40. “I’m done with trying to make things work with people who don’t want to be in my life.” – Unknown

41. “I’m done with feeling like I’m always second best.” – Unknown

42. “I’m done with trying to make everyone else happy and forgetting about my own needs.” – Unknown

43. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when it benefits them.” – Unknown

44. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not good enough for anyone.” – Unknown

45. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t love me.” – Unknown

46. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of anything.” – Unknown

47. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when I’m successful.” – Unknown

48. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for myself.” – Unknown

49. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t respect me.” – Unknown

50. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not strong enough.” – Unknown

51. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

52. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not capable of anything.” – Unknown

53. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t deserve me.” – Unknown

54. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not beautiful.” – Unknown

55. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when they need something from me.” – Unknown

56. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worth anything.” – Unknown

57. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t appreciate me.” – Unknown

58. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for the world.” – Unknown

59. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when they can benefit from me.” – Unknown

60. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not smart enough.” – Unknown

61. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t love me for who I am.” – Unknown

62. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of anything good.” – Unknown

63. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when it’s easy for them.” – Unknown

64. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for the people I care about.” – Unknown

65. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t support me.” – Unknown

66. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of love and happiness.” – Unknown

67. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when they can use me.” – Unknown

68. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for myself.” – Unknown

69. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t care.” – Unknown

70. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of anything in this world.” – Unknown

71. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me when they can manipulate me.” – Unknown

72. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not enough for anyone.” – Unknown

73. “I’m done with trying to make things work with someone who doesn’t respect my boundaries.” – Unknown

74. “I’m done with feeling like I’m not worthy of anything good in my life.” – Unknown

75. “I’m done with people who only want to be around me
Chances Im done quotes, Done quotes, Life quotes
Chances Im done quotes, Done quotes, Life quotes from www.pinterest.com