1. "I'm Not Mad, I'm Just Disappointed."

1. "I'm Not Mad, I'm Just Disappointed."

Quotes About Being Disappointed By Someone You Love:

2. “I trusted you and you let me down.”

3. “It hurts when the person you love disappoints you, but it hurts even more when you realize that they don’t care.”

4. “Disappointment is just the action of your brain readjusting itself to reality after discovering things are not the way you believed they were.”

5. “Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy – the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.”

6. “Disappointment is a temporary obstacle on the road to success.”

7. “Disappointment is a part of life, but suffering is optional.”

8. “Disappointment is a sign that you have not yet found the right person.”

9. “Disappointment is a reality check that reminds us that we cannot control everything.”

10. “Disappointment is an opportunity to learn and grow.”

11. “Disappointment is inevitable, but misery is optional.”

12. “Disappointment is not the end of the world, it’s just the beginning of something new.”

13. “Disappointment teaches you to be more cautious with your heart.”

14. “Don’t let disappointment define you, let it refine you.”

15. “Expectations lead to disappointment, but acceptance leads to peace.”

16. “I’m not disappointed in you, I’m disappointed in myself for believing in you.”

17. “It’s better to be disappointed than to be deceived.”

18. “Life is full of disappointments, but it’s also full of surprises.”

19. “Never let the disappointment of one person stop you from trusting others.”

20. “One disappointment doesn’t mean your life is over.”

21. “Sometimes the person you love disappoints you, but that doesn’t mean you stop loving them.”

22. “The greater your expectations, the greater your disappointment.”

23. “The only way to avoid disappointment is to have no expectations.”

24. “The pain of disappointment makes you stronger.”

25. “There’s no disappointment so devastating that it can’t be overcome.”

26. “True disappointment comes from within.”

27. “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”

28. “When someone you love disappoints you, it’s okay to feel hurt and angry.”

29. “When someone you love disappoints you, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.”

30. “You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control how you react to them.”

31. “You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.”

32. “You deserve someone who never disappoints you.”

33. “You don’t have to forgive someone who constantly disappoints you.”

34. “You don’t have to settle for someone who constantly disappoints you.”

35. “You have the power to choose how you respond to disappointment.”

36. “You have the power to overcome disappointment.”

37. “You know you’re disappointed when you’re not even angry anymore.”

38. “Your true friends are the ones who never disappoint you.”

39. “Your worth is not determined by the actions of others.”

40. “Don’t let disappointment stop you from loving again.”

41. “When someone disappoints you, it’s a reflection of them, not you.”

42. “Disappointment is a chance to reevaluate your priorities.”

43. “Disappointment is a sign that you need to set better boundaries.”

44. “Disappointment is an opportunity to practice forgiveness.”

45. “Disappointment is the universe’s way of redirecting you.”

46. “Disappointment is the price you pay for having expectations.”

47. “Disappointment is the teacher of resilience.”

48. “Disappointment teaches you to love yourself more.”

49. “Don’t let disappointment make you bitter, let it make you better.”

50. “Don’t let disappointment steal your joy.”

51. “Forgiveness is the key to moving past disappointment.”

52. “If you never experience disappointment, you’ll never appreciate success.”

53. “It’s okay to feel disappointed, just don’t let it consume you.”

54. “Life is full of disappointments, but it’s also full of second chances.”

55. “The greatest disappointment is the disappointment we feel in ourselves.”

56. “The only way to avoid disappointment is to avoid love, and that’s not a life worth living.”

57. “There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there is such a thing as a relationship worth fighting for.”

58. “When someone you love disappoints you, it’s an opportunity to show them what true love really looks like.”

59. “You can’t have love without disappointment, but you can’t have disappointment without love.”

60. “You have to experience disappointment to appreciate the good things in life.”

61. “Your disappointment is a sign that you have standards and expectations.”

62. “Disappointment is a chance to practice empathy.”

63. “Disappointment is a reminder that we’re all human.”

64. “Disappointment is the price we pay for taking risks.”

65. “Don’t let disappointment make you give up on love.”

66. “If you’re not willing to risk disappointment, you’re not ready for love.”

67. “It’s better to be disappointed than to live a life without passion.”

68. “Love is worth the risk of disappointment.”

69. “The pain of disappointment is temporary, but the regret of not taking a chance lasts forever.”

70. “There’s nothing wrong with being disappointed, it’s how you handle it that counts.”

71. “When someone disappoints you, it’s a sign that they’re not the right person for you.”

72. “You can’t control how someone else treats you, but you can control how you react.”

73. “You deserve someone who never makes you feel disappointed.”

74. “Disappointment is a sign that you need to communicate better.”

75. “Disappointment is an opportunity to practice acceptance.”

76. “Disappointment teaches you to be more resilient.”

77. “Disappointment teaches you to be more patient.”

78. “Don’t let disappointment make you question your worth.”

79. “Forgiving someone who disappointed you is a sign of strength, not weakness.”

80. “If someone constantly disappoints you, it’s time to let them go.”

81. “It’s okay to be disappointed, just don’t let it turn into bitterness.”

82. “Love is not about avoiding disappointment, it’s about learning from it.”

83. “The only way to avoid disappointment is to never take a chance.”

84. “There’s no shame in feeling disappointed.”

85. “When someone disappoints you, it’s a chance to practice forgiveness.”

86. “Your disappointment is a sign that you’re growing and evolving.”

87. “Disappointment is a sign that you need to make a change.”

88. “Disappointment is an opportunity to practice self-care.”

89. “Disappointment teaches you to be more compassionate.”

90. “Don’t let disappointment make you lose faith in love.”

91. “If you never experience disappointment, you’ll never learn to appreciate the good things in life.”

92. “It’s better to be
Disappointment.. Wonder quotes, Wise quotes, Quotes
Disappointment.. Wonder quotes, Wise quotes, Quotes from www.pinterest.com