Top 10 Michael Scott Valentines Day Quotes

Top 10 Michael Scott Valentines Day Quotes

Valentine’s Day is a day of love, and who better to celebrate with than Michael Scott? Here are the top 99 quotes from “The Office” to make your Valentine’s Day a little more interesting:

  1. “I declare bankruptcy!”
  2. “That’s what she said.”
  3. “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
  4. “Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.”
  5. “I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”
  6. “I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.”
  7. “I declare Valentine’s Day a day of love, not desperation.”
  8. “I saved a life: my own. Am I a hero? I really can’t say, but yes.”
  9. “I love inside jokes. I’d love to be a part of one someday.”
  10. “I’m an early bird and a night owl. So I’m wise and I have worms.”

Top 10 Ideas and Tips for Celebrating Michael Scott Valentines Day Quotes

  1. Host a “The Office” marathon with your loved one(s) and enjoy some of the iconic Michael Scott moments.
  2. Create your own “The Office” themed Valentine’s Day cards, featuring your favorite Michael Scott quotes.
  3. Dress up as your favorite “The Office” character and have a fun photo shoot.
  4. Make a “World’s Best Boss” mug for your significant other or friend, and fill it with their favorite candy or treats.
  5. Prepare a romantic dinner, but instead of candlelight, use the glow from your computer screen as you binge-watch “The Office.”
  6. Have a “That’s What She Said” contest with your friends and family, and see who can come up with the best one-liner.
  7. Play “The Office” trivia game with your loved one(s) and see who knows more about the show.
  8. Create a scavenger hunt with “The Office” themed clues, leading to a special prize or surprise.
  9. Send your loved one(s) on a “The Office” themed adventure, visiting locations from the show or re-creating iconic moments.
  10. Make a “The Office” themed cake or cupcakes, featuring your favorite characters and quotes.
The Office TV Show Love Card Michael Scott the office valentines day
The Office TV Show Love Card Michael Scott the office valentines day from