Last Day At Work Quotes Funny

Last Day At Work Quotes Funny

Are you leaving your job and looking for some Last Day At Work Quotes Funny to add some humor to your farewell? Look no further! Here are the top 99 quotes that will make your last day at work memorable and fun:

1. “I’m not leaving because of the company, I’m leaving because of the people who work here… just kidding, it’s definitely the company.” 2. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m just saying see you later… when we’re both unemployed.” 3. “The best part of leaving this job is knowing I’ll never have to sit in another pointless meeting again.” 4. “I’m leaving this job to pursue my dream of not having a job.” 5. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the work or the free coffee.” 6. “Goodbye tension, hello pension!” 7. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking an extended vacation… without pay.” 8. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time influencer on Instagram… wish me luck!” 9. “I’m leaving this job to pursue my true passion… sleeping in.” 10. “I’m not leaving, I’m just moving on to bigger and better things… like my couch.” 11. “I’m not sure what I’ll do without the constant stress and anxiety of this job… oh wait, yes I am, I’ll be happy.” 12. “I’m not leaving this job, I’m just upgrading to a better version of myself.” 13. “I’m leaving this job to pursue my lifelong dream of being a stay-at-home cat mom.” 14. “I’m not sure what my next job will be, but I’m pretty sure it won’t involve wearing pants.” 15. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this toxic work environment.” 16. “I’m leaving this job to finally start that cult I’ve been dreaming about.” 17. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying good riddance.” 18. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… napping.” 19. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a sabbatical to find myself… and my sanity.” 20. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time Netflix binger.” 21. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the weekly office potluck… just kidding, it’s definitely the potluck.” 22. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this hamster wheel of a job.” 23. “I’m leaving this job to become a professional beach bum.” 24. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying hello to my new life of freedom.” 25. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… day drinking.” 26. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to find a parking spot… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 27. “I’m leaving this job to finally become the Instagram influencer I was meant to be.” 28. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this never-ending cycle of misery.” 29. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… eating tacos.” 30. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying see you never.” 31. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time TikTok star.” 32. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily commute in rush hour traffic… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 33. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… binge-watching Friends.” 34. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this treadmill of a job.” 35. “I’m leaving this job to finally become a full-time adulting failure.” 36. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying good riddance to this job that sucked the life out of me.” 37. “I’m leaving this job to become a professional couch potato.” 38. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the free office supplies… just kidding, it’s definitely the office supplies.” 39. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… playing video games.” 40. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this soul-sucking job.” 41. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time dog mom.” 42. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying adios to this job that made me want to jump out the window every day.” 43. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… eating pizza.” 44. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to avoid my annoying coworker… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 45. “I’m leaving this job to finally become a full-time nap taker.” 46. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this cesspool of negativity.” 47. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time beach volleyball player.” 48. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying hasta la vista to this job that made me want to pull my hair out.” 49. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… doing nothing.” 50. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the weekly office happy hour… just kidding, it’s definitely the happy hour.” 51. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time wine taster.” 52. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this black hole of despair.” 53. “I’m leaving this job to finally become a professional bed tester.” 54. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying sayonara to this job that aged me ten years in one.” 55. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time travel blogger.” 56. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily grind of being a corporate drone… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 57. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… drinking margaritas.” 58. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this nightmare of a job.” 59. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time cat lady.” 60. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying peace out to this job that made me question my existence.” 61. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… doing yoga in my living room.” 62. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to avoid eye contact with my boss… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 63. “I’m leaving this job to finally become a professional Netflix watcher.” 64. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this hellhole of a job.” 65. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time wine connoisseur.” 66. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying see ya later to this job that made me want to cry in the bathroom every day.” 67. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… eating ice cream for breakfast.” 68. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to stay awake in meetings… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 69. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time professional napper.” 70. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this mental institution they call a workplace.” 71. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time beach bum… with a side hustle.” 72. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying adieu to this job that made me want to scream into a pillow every day.” 73. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… sleeping in until noon.” 74. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to avoid the office gossip… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 75. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time professional dog walker.” 76. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this circus of a job.” 77. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time beachcomber.” 78. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying farewell to this job that made me want to jump off a bridge every day.” 79. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… eating junk food and not feeling guilty about it.” 80. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to avoid the office drama… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 81. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time professional Netflix binger.” 82. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this rat race of a job.” 83. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time beach volleyball coach.” 84. “I’m not saying goodbye, I’m saying peace out to this job that made me want to throw my computer out the window every day.” 85. “I’m leaving this job to finally pursue my true passion… sleeping as long as I want.” 86. “I’m not sure what I’ll miss more, the job or the daily struggle to avoid the office politics… just kidding, it’s definitely the job.” 87. “I’m leaving this job to become a full-time dog whisperer.” 88. “I’m not leaving, I’m just taking a break from this nightmare of a job.” 89. “I’m leaving this job to become

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